
Last roadmap update: March 19, 2025

Here's what we're working on

Click any option to learn more about it

We want to create the ability to select a site group from the dropdown in the header.

That way you can view all the analytics like you normally would for a site, but for an entire site group.

Most website analytics tools ignore this as it’s quite a difficult task to do but we’re planning to create a way to keep the same session from root to subdomain. This will help a lot with the tracking of conversions for these types of setups.

We’re adding the ability to place timestamp markers on all graphs to help you track important changes to your site or site group. These markers will allow you to log events—such as website updates, campaign launches, or A/B test changes—and visualize them as vertical lines on your graphs.

This makes it easier to correlate performance trends with specific actions you’ve taken.

We want to create the option to automatically assign names to users based on query parameters. 

As an example, if a user visits your thank you page and you set the query parameter to have the users name like this:

… it would assign the name Curran to that visitor for future visits.

We’ll be adding another item to the navigation menu called “Reporting” which will allow you to create white-label PDF reports for clients with vital traffic and conversion numbers and nice-to-haves like graphs.

If other customer profiles share extreme similarities and are likely to be the same person, we’ll show you them as “related sessions” in the customer journey page.

We want to add an option to switch to light mode for better viewing during the day and for those who prefer it.

Currently the app is usable on mobile, but some things are not ideal and you have to scroll sideways to see all the data when looking at the Visitors Stream.

We want to make it more like a normal app and see everything in one view without scrolling sideways and make it generally a better experience for mobile.

Watch back a video of the session as a recording and see heatmaps of pages

We want to show bounce rate metrics in the dashboard

We’re making a variety of database optimizations over the coming months to ensure reliability and improve speed for the future of Visitor Tracking.

We are adding the option to export the data from the visitors page into a CSV so you can have the data in an easier to use form.

You can now enable Strict Bot Blocking in the settings to block more scrapers and bots. As a note, this may also hide visits from people using VPNs.

On the All Sites page, you can now click on a site group name and it will filter the sites below to only show sites within that site group.

We implemented a way to buy more pageviews directly in the app and add extra users if needed

We had an issue where session duration will sometimes add 5 minutes to the duration which means it reports inaccurately in your dashboard, but this has now been fixed.

We’ve added an option to disable IP tracking.

  • Pro: Full compliance with the strictest privacy standards.
  • Tradeoff: Location tracking won’t be available.

Simply go to the settings page to turn this off or on. The choice is yours—flexibility to match your priorities!

You can now assign a dollar value to conversions! This update allows you to track the revenue generated from your conversions or provide precise estimates of the value created for your clients. A powerful way to measure impact and drive results!

Organize your sites into groups and access aggregated analytics for the entire group. Whether managing similar sites or tracking campaigns across multiple domains, this feature gives you a complete view in one place!

You can now easily filter your data in any view with prebuilt segments like Organic Search, Paid Ads, and Social Media, or create custom segments for deeper insights. 

This new feature lets you set multiple filters within segments with AND/OR functionality for each filter.

Made some massive changes over the past two months to improve performance across the whole app and store & retrieve data in the most efficient way possible 

We added more support for UTM tracking across the app by showing as columns on the visitors page as well as breakdowns on the dashboard and conversion analytics pages.

We are adding a variety of tweaks for more accurate tracking:

  • Tracking sources by root domain
  • Removing query parameters when tracking top pages
  • Updating snapshot views to Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, and Last 30 days

You can now edit the names of users so you can identify them later if they come back to your site.

We’ve added the option to disable the automatic naming of users and also an option to show the full date instead of the date format like “15 minutes ago”

We’ll be adding more preferences over time!

On the conversion analytics page, we added a drilldown of conversions based on source, device, and page so you know what types of users are converting the most.  

We also added a moving average line to the graph so you can see a smoother graph of how things are trending in terms of conversions.

Ability to view more sources/pages:

On the dashboard, you can now view more than just your top 5 pages/sources and we introduced a new metric to show what % of sessions came from a specific source or visited a specific page.

Add last 24 & 48 hours as duration options:

These views will show hour-by-hour visitors on the graph for you. 

Instead of just blocking IPs, we’ll allow you to block specific user profiles, which will be more robust 

To be fully GDPR compliant we switched our servers over to EU data storage.

When adding new users to the software, you can give them permissions to only view data for certain websites rather than all the websites in your account.

We are redesigning the customer journey page to give more detailed profile about the customer and also full visibility of the visitors page for that specific user.

We added the ability to see how far each user scrolled of each page from the Visitor Stream. 

Just click on the pages that a user visited and you’ll see the scroll depth for each page!

You can now change the columns you see in the Visitor Stream to show more data or keep it simple, just the way you like it! This way, you only see the info that’s important to you. 

You can now set your own custom dates in the dashboard to look at analytics in a custom time-frame! It will automatically compare it to the previous period too! 

You can block your own IP or other IP’s from the top right menu area.

Unless a visitor turns into a customer or lead, you have no idea who they are. Not anymore! With Visitor Tracking, you can identify what organizations and businesses are visiting your site!

Now, you can track any event you want (i.e. a button click or form submission) as a conversion rather than only tracking pageviews & funnels.

We’ve implemented some database optimization that speeds up the loading of all pages by roughly 250%

See exactly how your conversion rate is changing over time without needing to do any extra work. Make changes or run a sale to immediately see how your conversion rate is affected! 

Waiting is annoying so we took some time to improve the loading time for the dashboard by 150%.  

Easily identify new conversions from the visitors tab with conversion tags!