
Plans for every stage of business

How many pageviews per month do you get?

Free for life

$0 / forever

Free for up to 500 pageviews per month


$19 / mo

For up to 500 pageviews per month


$39 / mo

For up to 500 pageviews per month

Built on a solid foundation

Visitor Tracking was built with these six core foundational principles

Super lightweight

We don't want our tool slowing down your website. Our tracking code is extremely lightweight.

Incredibly intuitive

We focus on keeping everything in our app intuitive and easy to use. Something your grandma could use.

Infinitely Scalable

We can handle tens of billions of pageviews a month with no issues or downtime.

Always accurate

What good is tracking if it isn't accurate? We aim for 99.95% accuracy in tracking traffic data.

Actually helpful

We want to present data that is actually helpful for you & your business, not just vanity metrics.

Sleek design

Like it or not, we're design snobs. We make the tool look beautiful so you love looking at it.

Frequently asked questions

Can I add more than one site?

Absolutely! You have the freedom to add as many websites as you like. This means you can keep track of all your projects, including those you're doing for clients, in one easy-to-see place.

Can I use this to track funnels?

Yes, indeed! We've included a special feature just for funnels. It's designed to show you the journey people take through your funnels.

You can see exactly how many people are moving through each step and identify the spots where they decide to leave. This way, you can make changes to improve your funnels and keep more people engaged.

What happens if I go over my pageview limit?

In that case, we'll give you a heads-up and offer you the choice to upgrade to a plan that supports more pageviews. If you decide not to upgrade, it's okay, but we won't be able to track your site's activity until the start of the new month.

Can I add extra users into my account like clients or teammates?

Yes, you can share your account with others, but it differs based on your account.

  • On the Essential plan, you can add one user – could be a teammate or a client.
  • On the Advanced plan, there's no limit to the number of users or clients you can add.
  • Can I track other companies by entering their URL & get their results?

    No, that's not something we offer. To track a website, you need to have the ability to add a small piece of code to it. This code is what lets us gather data and show you how the website is performing.